Customer satisfaction
The importance of customer satisfaction for the long-term success of the company cannot be underestimated. Satisfied customers come back to you and enthusiastically tell others about your company. Satisfied customers also ensure that employees are proud of the work they do every day and radiate pleasure when they talk about their employer. Where profit says a lot about the results of your company at the moment, customer satisfaction says more about the long-term health of the company and the way it works.
Customer satisfaction is therefore an important result area that forms part of all the methods we work with. Efficiently working on maximum value creation for the customer leads to lower costs, growth in turnover through repeat customers and word-of-mouth advertising, more productive and happier employees and a stronger reputation of the company.
An important part of working on optimal customer satisfaction is measuring it. There are several ways to collect customer feedback. When applied correctly, they contribute to a complete picture of customers’ attitudes towards the company and the possibilities that exist to improve the product or service.
Involved employees
The various methodologies that we apply to make companies healthier are all aimed at creating committed employees who have the means and space to develop themselves. Only when the interests and happiness of the employee are in line with the interests of the company, an employee is able to give their best effort. The involvement of your employees is therefore not something you force or demand, but something that should be facilitated and maintained.
The result area involved employees can therefore be called fundamental in certain respects for our way of working and achieving real results. After all, we may want to implement changes and make more profit, but without committed employees the chance of success is very small. By investing in the growth of your employees, they will reward the company with commitment. A win-win situation.
Our processes therefore often start with observing the attitude of employees and creating an environment in which change is possible. That means encouraging clear and open communication, setting clear expectations and providing positive incentives such as development opportunities, recognition and reward.
Profit optimization
Profit is an important indicator of the functioning of a company that is sometimes portrayed in a negative light in the present time. But profit is about more than just making a lot of money. After all, profit shows that there is a healthy relationship between a stable or growing turnover and a control of the costs incurred by the company to realize that turnover. In addition, profit is a good way to invest in the long-term stability and health of the company.
In order to improve the results in terms of profit, it is very important to carefully consider how we should do this. If increasing profit is achieved, for example, by cutting the quality delivered or increasing the workload for employees in an unbalanced way, this will inevitably lead to problems in the long term. After all, customer satisfaction and engaged employees are important indicators of long-term success.
The methodologies we offer provide employees with the insights and resources to work more energetically, more efficiently and more purposefully. This gives them more room to become better at creating actual value for the customer, which means that costs can fall and turnover can grow. In this way, everyone shares in the profit and the profit that is made actually says something about the long-term health of the company.
The learning organization
Whatever the immediate cause and intended result of an organizational transformation, one of the sure outcomes will be that the company emerges as a learning organization. In this way, we do not solve just one problem, or facilitate only a single successful transformation, but we give employees the resources and confidence to move along with developments in the market and to make adjustments in order to achieve the company’s goals. keep the visor.
Within the result area ‘the learning organization’ it is important that we are constantly aware that we are not just trying to solve a problem or try to implement a change. The problem or change triggers a process in which we teach the organization to see changes as development and problems as opportunities.
With our way of working, we give employees the confidence to stand in their power and we teach them methods to streamline business processes and create more value. In this way, they will increasingly look at themselves, the company and the market with an open mind. This is how we create employees, departments and companies that can continuously adapt, improve and reinvent themselves.
Strategy realization
A successful strategy realization is all about embedding the company’s strategy in the daily activities of the employees. Since a significant part of the work we do on a daily basis hardly contributes to the realization of the company’s strategy, it is important to link clear goals and action points to the strategy. This way we can continuously look at our work with a critical eye and ask ourselves to what extent it contributes to the creation of value for customer and company.
With strategy realization we make the connection between the continuous development of employees and the improvement of processes on the one hand and the intended business results on the other. The strategy is the compass of the company and changes and developments can only be meaningful if they contribute to the achievement of goals that are part of the strategy.
With our methodologies we teach employees to look critically at processes and activities and we teach them to recognize when and to what extent certain things contribute to the actual success of the company. In addition to eliminating redundant work, we develop the capacity of employees to become increasingly better and more effective in realizing the company’s strategy.